Saturday, February 18, 2012

Poems~Promised and stay strong =) it's a attempt! :D


Written by: Nichelle kercher

I miss you,

You don’t have a clue.

You were my bestfriend,

Now my heart is in two.

I think about you constantly,

I know it was for the better,

But you were so kind, and amazing.

I know you’re in a better place,

But you were too young.

I know I need to move on,

It is what you would want.

You would want me to be happy,

Living life,

And smiling.

But I can’t wait for the day I see you again-

And We can run, eat, and swim just like I promised to you.

Breathe easy, and get your running skills up…

Because I promised.


Stay strong

Written by: Nichelle kercher

I have this illness,

That I have suffered from for so long.

And I don't know how
but I've got to find a way to stay strong,
I wish I could get over it really quick
It just causes so much pain and sadness
I just wish I could stay strong

It really hurts,

Because I don’t know what’s wrong.

I feel worse and worse,

And things keep going wrong.

I know I need to stay strong, But tell me How?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 20~Meaning behind my blog name.

Well there is no real meaning.

13 is Taylor swifts favorite number and 13 dreams 13 wishes kinda played into my MAW :P that is all..

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 18~10 things that irritate me

ooooh this is gonna be fun to write haha Please know this is not about anyone,just stuff that can etither Irritate me a lot or a little XD

1.The teen girls who post pictures on facebook with the caption of"Ugh why did i upload this!? I look SO ugly." Seriously? If you really thought you were ugly you wouldn't have uploaded the pic,duh!

2. People who seek attention. This is gonna sound really mean of me,please no I'm not mean ok? I mean like the people who fake there illnesses. I'm talking like those past few news articles( I'm talking about this one,this one only too) It's like "alright so you'r gonna fake having cancer..Alright so amazing of you isn't it?" Really wrong to do it..

3. People who SMACK there gum. Ugh.

4. Those who post the constant "FML" statuses. For example

Monday:"FML I failed math."
Tuesday:"FML I lost my phone."
Wednsday:"Hurt my ankle,FML"
See why it's annoying? I mean we all have bad days,it's okay to Post FML every once in a while,but everyday and like 30 times a day? You should just talk to a friend,facebook isn't good at advice. XD

5. People who steal my writings. There is a reason why I didn't share my writings for years. People who steal them!! And here is my on the spot letter to them:
Dear people,
Please don't steal my writings. I can help you write,but stealing my stuff Will only get you reported to the copyright infringement company(if it's copyrighted work) and on my no-likey list. So please don't steal,contact me to help instead!
Love always,Nichelle.

6. Those one facebook who post like this:
Monday(in a relationship):"Oh i love you so much --------"
Tuesday(It's complicated):"Why does he always does this? FML"
Wensday(Single): Boy suck,who needs them?
Thursday(in a relationship with the same boy):"oh my gawd I'm in loveee!)

yeah. Nuff said.

7. Bullys. My letter to them:

You suck. Please be nice.

8.(Almost there haha tired of my ranting yet?) POLITICS!! It irritates me beyond belief.

9. How hateful people are to the following:
LGBT community
etc.etc. My message? Shut up and get a life and stop hating. Be nice,it gets you far. It realllly does.

10(done!) K...prepare yourself..Ready? People are our loud when my head hurts and i tell them to please be quiet. ta-da!

Hope i entertained you all.